Water provisions for Hurungwe district

Providing clean water for 20 communities in the Hurungwe District

project partner

people to benefit 10,000
Location: Hurungwe District, Mashonaland

Water provisions for Hurungwe district

This project aims to provide 20 communities in the Hurungwe District in Mashonaland with clean drinking water. The 14 boreholes (of which some are shared) are situated at Alpha Village, November Village, Papa Village, Tango Village, Kilo Village, Village 32B, Chipfuko Village, Kapare Village (shared with Kashumba village), Echo A Village, Village 22B, Chisauka Village (shared with Kapoko and Kawangu Village), Village 28, Village 24A and Juliet Village. A new borehole will be realised for Huyo Secondary School, Bravo Village en Lima Village.

Having access to clean water is of great importance:

  • Less disease due to contaminated water from ponds and streams;
  • Women and girls (who are usually responsible for fetching water) will be burdened less and will have more time for education or generating income from agriculture and livestock;
  • Agriculute will see better results due to irrigation, which will improve food security;
  • Lower cattle mortality, which is an important source of income.

Mpilo Foundation will be present during a substantial part of this project’s execution. Afterwards, we will strive to follow up on this project, visiting annually for up to a maximum of five years.

Update: results

This project has been executed and has largely been successful in meeting its goals. Out of the 14 boreholes, five could not be rehabilitated. For one of them, a new borehole has been drilled instead. The unfortunate circumstances preventing us from rehabilitating the other boreholes were somewhat offset by the opportunity to rehabilitate boreholes in three additional villages (27B, 24B, and 30A). Execution of this project has provided almost 10,000 people with access to clean drinking water, comprising of more than 6,000 children, 2,300 adults, and 1,000 elderly people. The positive impact on the lives of these people has been tremendous. 

+31 6 5464 5855

IBAN NL98 RABO 0331 8112 35
Stichting Mpilo Foundation

KvK: 72254750
RSIN: 859048330

Mpilo Foundation is recognized by the tax authorities as a Public Benefit Organization (ANBI).

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