Pilot: 6 boreholes

Pilot project for rehabilitating six poorly or non-functioning boreholes.

project partner

people to benefit 1800
Location: Several villages in Matabeleland

Pilot: 6 boreholes

Due to the coronavirus, we were unable to travel to Zimbabwe in 2020. While we normally pay a visit to the requesting party to assess the need and added value, in order to make an informed decision, in 2020 we had to rely upon our local contacts in Zimbabwe. Among others, this has shown us the value of rehabilitating non-functioning boreholes. In a certain sense, their need and added value have already been determined in the past. This eliminates the need for us to do so ourselves.

Mpilo Foundation would like to set up a pilot project for rehabilition of six boreholes. The villages where the boreholes are located are Mgandani, Edwaleni, Custone, Makondo, Mitsho and Redwood Village. The number of villagers combined is about 1800.

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+31 6 5464 5855

IBAN NL98 RABO 0331 8112 35
Stichting Mpilo Foundation

KvK: 72254750
RSIN: 859048330

Mpilo Foundation is recognized by the tax authorities as a Public Benefit Organization (ANBI).

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