Murimbika Village

Realising a borehole for Murimbika Village.

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people to benefit 300
Location: Murimbika Village

Murimbika Village

Murimbika Village is situated in the north of Zimbabwe, many miles from the main roads. The only source of water for many years had been a faraway protected well, meaning a hand dug hole with a concrete cover and runoff. The water there is insufficient and unsanitary.

The report based on a water survey at Murimbiki gave a 67% success rate for drilling for water. In light of the less-than-great chance of succeeding, coupled with the high costs associated with drilling and installing a Bush Pump, Mpilo Foundation decided in 2019 not to drill at the village.

A second water survey was carried out in 2020, resulting in the same findings. Consulting the hydrogeologist and the drilling company, findings from the report were interpreted as “most likely we’ll find water”. On June 5, 2020, Get Wet Drilling Services started drilling at one of the positive sites. Remarkably, this borehole yielded 1500 liters of water per hour! Owing to this great result, Murimbika Villages has access to enough clean water close by for the first time in 23 years!

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+31 6 5464 5855

IBAN NL98 RABO 0331 8112 35
Stichting Mpilo Foundation

KvK: 72254750
RSIN: 859048330

Mpilo Foundation is recognized by the tax authorities as a Public Benefit Organization (ANBI).

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