Emergency repairs for Chikandakubi

Emergency repair for Chikandakubi and two neighbouring villages.
people to benefit 1.058
Location: Chikandakubi area, Victoria Falls

Emergency repairs for Chikandakubi

Mpilo Foundation has a project planned for 2022 to rehabilitate and install a number of boreholes in the areas around Chikandakubi and Jambezi, in the region of Victoria Falls. These boreholes have been mapped, inspected and assessed by Gift Sanyamahwe and Belinda Malandu. Their survey allowed us to determine whether boreholes were in need of rehabiltation or new installment, and how many people stood to benefit from this. Additionally, it has allowed us to predetermine the materials required for carrying out this project.

Results of the survey indicated that for many villages, rehabilitation or installment was an urgent matter. This urgency was demonstrated when Mpilo Foundation received a distress call from Chikandakubi Primary School. The school found itself without water unexpectedly, when suddenly both their borehole and their well became unusable. In reaction to this call for help, Mpilo Foundation organized an emergency repair for the school and, additionaly, for Batanani Village 2 and Batanani Village 4&5, two nearby villages. In total, three boreholes have been rehabilitated and are now fully functional.

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+31 6 5464 5855

IBAN NL98 RABO 0331 8112 35
Stichting Mpilo Foundation

KvK: 72254750
RSIN: 859048330

Mpilo Foundation is recognized by the tax authorities as a Public Benefit Organization (ANBI).

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