Electricity for Pelandaba Skills Centre

Reliable power for Pelandaba Skills Centre trough a solar-installation.

project partner

people to benefit Over 850 people have received certificates so far
Location: Pelandaba, Bulawayo

Electricity for Pelandaba Skills Centre

This project is funded by the AFAS Foundation.

During our may/june 2019 visit to Zimbabwe, we’ve visited the Pelandaba Skills Centre in Bulawayo. The centre has been founded by UK & Zimbabwe charity Inspire Women, Men & Children to support the poor in Bulawayo by offering training in various work-related skills. A request has been made to Mpilo Foundation for a solar installation. Although the centre is connected to the grid, this does not reliably provide power. Often for up to 18 hours a day, power will be unavailable. It is also expensive.

A solar installation would provide electricity for laptops, a printer, a scanner, a small fridge and five sewing machines. After consulting with an expert, a project plan has been made to supply the centre with the power required. Because fewer cables, pipes and other materials are needed compared to the rural village schools, an extra six solar panels and one extra battery can be supplied. Mpilo Foundation would like to go through with this plan and is currently looking for sponsors is happy that the AFAS Foundation has agreed to fund this project.

+31 6 5464 5855

IBAN NL98 RABO 0331 8112 35
Stichting Mpilo Foundation

KvK: 72254750
RSIN: 859048330

Mpilo Foundation is recognized by the tax authorities as a Public Benefit Organization (ANBI).

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